CPESSEC organises a wide
variety of activities. Here you find a
short description of our activities.
VI. Expert Conference of the Centre of Public Employment Services of Southeast European Countries (CPESSEC) - CROATIA 2011. Management Board [04-03-2011 - 04-03-2011] (Croatia)
The Sixth Expert Conference of the Centre of Public Employment Services of Southeast European Countries (CPESSEC) named “Role of Partnership in Design and Implementation of Projects” took place the next day on 04 March 2011 at the Hotel International, Zagreb, Croatia.
The representatives of the Public Employment Services shared their knowledge and experiences at the conference.
During the conference the following presentations were presented.
Status: [C] Completed
Result: VI Expert Conference of the CPESSEC Conclusions and Recommendations
Although there is no single local partnership model in the CPESSEC member countries, establishing and development of partnerships will be inevitable. The CPESSEC member countries will develop local partnerships in their own countries.
In line with national strategies, local partnerships are important in the area of designing employment policy at the regional level.
The EU candidate countries and potential candidates among the CPESSEC member countries will be invited to take part in the project of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for period 2011-2012 named Local Development Capacity Assessment in EU Candidate Countries and Potential Candidates in the Western Balkans.