Country name:  ROMANIA
The National Agency for Employment (NAE) implements the employment and vocational training policies and strategies worked-out by the Ministry of Labour and Social Justice.
In order to achieve its objectives, the NAE has the following main tasks:
  • ensures the implementation of employment policies worked-out by the Ministry of Labour and Social Justice, in line with the European Employment Strategy;
  • develops, implements, finances and co-finances employment and vocational training programs, as well as activities specific to its field of activity, based on the policies and strategies developed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Justice;
  • envisages the uniform application of the legislation governing social protection, unemployment prevention and employment stimulation measures funded by the unemployment insurance budget and controls the compliance by its subordinate units with the relevant legal provisions in the field;
  • proposes annually to the Ministry of Labour and Social Justice, for approval, the employment programs and the vocational training plans for jobseekers;
  • participates in the implementation of measures provided for in the government employment plans and programs;
  • ensures the implementation of projects specific to its field of activity, financed by European non-reimbursable funds;
  • organizes the establishment and payment of benefits out of the unemployment insurance budget;
  • manages the unemployment insurance budget and the Guarantee Fund for payment of salary claims;
  • ensures the coordination of the national employment services network, part of the EURES Network, as the National Coordination Office;
  • implements the provisions of bilateral labour agreements concluded by Romania;
  • acts as liaison body for unemployment benefits in the application of European regulations on the coordination of social security systems;
  • performs its functions as a member of the World Association of Public Employment Services;
  • calculates and publishes labour market statistical indicators, in accordance with the legal provisions;
  • acts as the single Single Point of Contact for the integration of long-term unemployed.
The National Agency for Employment is a public institution of national interest, with legal personality, under the authority of the Ministry of Labour and Social Justice.

The National Agency has, in its structure, the following units with legal personality:
  1. 41 County Employment Agencies, and the Bucharest Municipal Agency, which are deconcentrated public services;
  2. 8 Regional Adult Training Centers;
  3. 1 National Center for Own Staff Training.
The National Agency for Employment works under the authority of the Ministry of Labour and Social Justice. The President of the NAE, with the rank of Secretary of State, is also the Chairman of the Governing Body, being appointed by Decision of the Prime minister, from the representatives of the Government on the Governing Body, at the proposal of the Minister of Labour and Social Justice.
The National Agency for Employment is headed by a Governing Body, consisting of representatives of the Government, as well as of trade union confederations and employers' confederations, representative at national level, and is composed of 15 members, as follows:
  1. 5 members, representatives of the Government, appointed by Decision of the Prime Minister;
  2. 5 members appointed by national trade union confederations;
  3. 5 members appointed by national employers' confederations.
The President of the NAE is also the Chairman of the Governing Body.
The executive activity of the NAE is coordinated by the Secretary General, who is a senior civil servant.
The County Agencies are led by Executive Directors and Deputy Executive Directors.
The social partners are represented in the tripartite Governing Body of the National Agency for Employment, as well as in the tripartite Advisory Bodies at the level of the County Agencies for Employment.
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