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  Development of Network of Innovative Social Enterprises(ISEDE-NET)
   Project type: Services      Project Budget: 2,426,790 euros.
   Project location: National     Project Status: Finished
   Project Source of Funding: donation
   Project Donor: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and EU (IPA)
   Implementing partner: Province of Brescia, European Movement in Serbia, NES

   [30-07-2009  -  30-03-2012] (Serbia)

  Short description: Overall objective: provide support to the process of territorial, economic and social integration and cohesion by introducing innovative activities to support social enterprises Specific objectives: to exchange of best practice (conditions for establishing social enterprises);to provide innovative social enterprises with information and communication support and web tools; to provide financial support to innovative social enterprises; Expected results: transnational network of partners (from private and public sector) established in order to support the development of social enterprises sector;research carried out and national reports on the situation in the sector of social enterprises developed; pilot activities aiming at the development of SE sector carried out; ISEDE-NET portal created and implemented; Financial tool developed; The importance of SE sector development promoted in public and dissemination of the best practice carried out

  Achieved results: PROJECT OBJECTIVE 1: Indicators 1. Establishment of WEB Portal 2.0 - Exchange of best practice in providing conditions for SE establishment – the Portal was officially launched in August 2011; it consists of two parts, one for project partners and the other for beneficiaries (all necessary information about the participating countries at one place: legislative framework and legal aspects, sources of financing, market niches, stakeholders and institutional support, answers to FAQ, etc.) Indicators 2.Sufficient number of partners and social enterprises included in the network :transnational network of partners from public and private sector for SE development established; infrastructure for business capacity building/establishment of SEs in place; infrastructure for reaching market more easily in place PROJECT OBJECTIVE 2: Indicators 1.Development of innovative financial tools and business support services, market development: The research on the situation in the area of social entrepreneurship conducted in all partner countries (May 2010);the existing financial tools and sources summarized and new alternative financial tools and sources of financing defined (May 2011);workshops on the existing/new market niches conducted in each partner country (Serbia – October 2011); Indicators 2:Promotion of SE sector development : The awareness of stakeholders on the necessity of social entrepreneurship development raised; the conference “Development of Social Entrepreneurship, Possibilities and Prospects” held in Belgrade in April 2010 (representatives of MERD, MoLSP, regional/local authorities, NGO sector and social partners, guests from Austria, Croatia, etc.);meetings of focus groups held in 2010 and 2011 (raising awareness on SE, development of legislative framework for SE, etc.)

Comment: BENEFIT FOR NES: 1. Learning about social entrepreneurship concept (Serbia is preparing the Law on Social Entrepreneurship, although the consensus has not been reached yet). This Law will provide support to 55 enterprises (about 4,000 workers – almost half of them are persons with disabilities) by providing opportunities for employment of large number of persons belonging to vulnerable groups (persons with disabilities, refugees and internally displaced persons, persons from particular age groups, etc.). 2. Possibility to use project Web portal and obtain useful information about social entrepreneurship (legislative framework, legal aspects, sources of financing, market niches, stakeholders and institutional support, FAQs, etc.). 3. Participation in a transnational programme 4. Participation in a project encompassing 8 countries 5. Participation in the South East Europe Programme under conditions set for EU members Read more:

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